Heavier Things ... Daughters ...

Many would think this means men who have sons and daughters are not great men. I really think what Robert was saying spoke to the important relationship between "Daddys" and "Daughters." One of my favorite songs is my John Mayer titled, Daughters." The chorus line offers a solid challenge,
So Fathers be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do,
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
Mothers be good to your daughters too.

Our children comprise the fascinating combination of their parents. Sometimes these "passed on traits" are obvious and somtimes they are latent. All of the time they are present. Too many men miss the import of time with their daughters. Afraid they will break, girls are often relegated to "Mom's project." There is a current critique regarding the feminization of the male; too soft some are saying. There is a great loss of what it means to be a man. Documentation seems at least offer some support.
Yet, Dads who will pay attention to their daughters will not be feminized but rather they will be completed. You could say it is like the development of a good character in a novel. Apart from the experience with his daughters a Daddy may not develop in ways God intended him to otherwise.
There is little doubt Lyle was a man's man. Just ask Jason, Nathan and Eddie to tell the "hand towell" story. He was also his daugther's biggest fan. Sensitivites and perspective may have developed further than expected while learning about life through the eyes of his daughter.

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